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New Energy Vehicle Tax Exemption Policy Reveals Three Major Signals

2019-08-12Author : admin

A few days ago, the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly issued a notice to exempt the use of new energy vehicles and ships from vehicle tax. The exemption scope includes pure electric commercial vehicles, plug-in (including extended-range) hybrid vehicles, fuel Battery commercial vehicles, as well as pure electric passenger vehicles and fuel cell passenger vehicles that meet the requirements. At the same time, the vehicle and ship tax will be halved for energy-saving vehicles and ships.

  Signal 1: Encourage energy-saving and environmentally friendly small-displacement vehicles

In addition to exempting the use of new energy vehicles and ships, the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology also announced this time that vehicles and ships that save energy and meet the corresponding standards will be levied in half: 1. The displacement allowed to be sold in China is Passenger cars (including non-plug-in hybrid passenger cars and dual-fuel passenger cars) fueled by gasoline and diesel fueled below 1.6 liters (including 1.6 liters); 2. The fuel consumption of comprehensive operating conditions should meet the standards, and the specific See Annex 1 for the standards; 3. Pollutant emissions meet the limit standards of Type I test in the "Limits and Measurement Methods of Pollutant Emissions from Light-Duty Vehicles (China Phase 5)" (GB18352.5-2013).

   The new vehicle and vessel tax regulations reflect the encouragement of energy-saving and small-displacement passenger vehicles.

   The Equipment Industry Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued and implemented a policy of halving the vehicle and vessel tax on energy-saving vehicles and ships three years ago, but did not make specific regulations on the emission requirements at that time. This time, it is clearly stipulated that the vehicle and vessel tax shall be halved for energy-saving vehicles and vessels of 1.6 liters or less (including 1.6 liters).

  Undoubtedly, this move will be of great benefit to the promotion of the sales of small-displacement models. Relatively speaking, users of small-displacement vehicles are more sensitive to the cost of vehicle ownership.

Although the preferential policy of halving the vehicle and vessel tax can only enable owners of energy-saving passenger cars with displacements of less than 1.6 liters (including 1.6 liters) to reduce their vehicle and vessel expenses by approximately hundreds of yuan per year, the vehicle and vessel tax needs to be paid annually. During the implementation of the policy, a sum of money has been saved for car owners.

  Energy-saving and small-displacement passenger vehicle tax halving discount is a boon for independent brand car companies.

  Recently, it has been cultivating self-owned brands in the low-end and mid-range low-displacement passenger car market, and has obtained good market returns and development momentum.

   In April, the sales of self-owned brand passenger vehicles increased by 14.30% year-on-year, and sales exceeded 680,000 units. The market share increased to 41.13%, an increase of nearly 4% year-on-year. In the first four months, the sales of self-owned brand passenger vehicles increased by 19.47% year-on-year, with sales of nearly 2.98 million units, and the market share increased to 42.73%, an increase of 4.22 percentage points year-on-year.

   The new vehicle and vessel tax regulations will play a guiding role in "energy saving and environmental protection", and at the same time will amplify the innate advantages of independent brands in the field of small-displacement automobile product manufacturing, and further demonstrate their cost-effectiveness and market competitiveness.

   With the help of policies, there is reason to believe that the relevant market segments of independent brands will continue to perform relatively well.

  Signal 2: Low-speed electric vehicles are still blocked from policy

In the relevant notice jointly issued by the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, it is once again clearly stipulated that one of the standards that new energy vehicles that are exempt from vehicle and vessel tax should meet at the same time include “use of power other than lead-acid batteries Battery".

   This means that low-speed electric vehicles equipped with lead-acid batteries will still not be classified as new energy vehicles and enjoy the preferential tax exemption.

   Although the market demand for low-speed electric vehicles is booming due to their relatively low purchase and ownership costs, the lead-acid batteries they are equipped with pose a potential risk of environmental pollution.

   Many people worry that lead-acid batteries contain heavy metal lead. In the absence of effective supervision, ordinary lead-acid batteries that can only be charged hundreds of times will cause immeasurable damage to the environment after they are scrapped. In the production of lead-acid batteries, reports of excessive blood lead levels among residents around the factory due to poor management have been reported frequently.

   However, the market demand for low-speed electric vehicles is relatively strong. According to statistics, the total output of 22 companies in the Shandong Low-speed Electric Vehicle Alliance in 2014 was approximately 187,400, a year-on-year increase of 50.46%, which was 10 times the output of 18,200 in 2010. During this period, my country's new energy vehicle sales were only 85,000. The two are in sharp contrast.

   The vehicle and vessel tax exemption policy once again excludes low-speed electric vehicles, reminding relevant companies that they should change themselves, instead of imagining that the barriers of industry management are removed, and my low-level products can be completely released.

  Equipped with lithium batteries, improving vehicle performance, enabling low-speed electric vehicles to truly integrate energy conservation, environmental protection, and safety, and gaining public opinion and policy support will be the key to their smooth development in the future marketization process.

  Signal 3: Continue to promote the acceleration of the new energy automobile industry

   Relevant statistics show that my country’s new energy vehicle output in April this year increased by 1.5 times year-on-year to more than 9,000 vehicles. Among them, 4790 pure electric passenger vehicles were produced, a year-on-year increase of 119%. In January-April, my country's cumulative production of new energy vehicles increased nearly three times year-on-year to 34,400 vehicles.

Generally speaking, the new energy vehicle and vessel tax exemption is conducive to forming a superimposed effect with other new energy vehicle industry support policies, enhancing the attractiveness of new energy vehicles to potential consumers, and keeping the production and sales of new energy vehicles at a high level. "The gratifying momentum.

   To add fuel to the rise in the popularity of new energy vehicles, the relevant state departments are planning to conduct in-depth inspections on pilot cities for the promotion of new energy vehicles to reward hard work and punish laziness and further remove the invisible artificial barriers of local protectionism.

Not long ago, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Finance and other four ministries and commissions jointly issued the "Notice on Carrying out the Urban Assessment Work for the Promotion and Application of New Energy Vehicles". From May 15 to June 15 The number of promotion and application of urban new energy vehicles, the construction of charging facilities, etc. It is clearly required that the promotion of cities shall not set up barriers in disguise to hinder the entry of foreign brands, shall not require vehicle manufacturers to build local factories, purchase local batteries, motors and other parts, and shall not hinder foreign-produced new energy vehicles from entering the local market, and restrict or disguise restrictions Consumers buy new energy vehicles from other places and a certain type. Implement nationally unified standards and catalogs. Cities are not allowed to formulate local promotion vehicle catalogs, local vehicle technical standards, or mandatory requirements for repeated testing and inspections. For cities that have already issued local standards and catalogs, they have carried out clean-up and cancellation policies and measures. Work and announce to the public.サングラス人気谗売OAKLEY Geek Security Sales

   Under strong measures, the new energy vehicle market, which was once fragmented by local protectionism, is expected to move towards a new unified pattern. Coupled with the new energy vehicle tax exemption policy, the new energy vehicle industry will usher in a new situation.

   However, the positive effect of the new energy vehicle tax exemption policy cannot be overstated. It should be noted that compared with the high purchase cost of new energy vehicles, lower tax incentives are undoubtedly a drop in the bucket. The marketization process of the new energy automobile industry, in the final analysis, needs to be jointly promoted by technological progress and improved facilities.

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