

INDUSTRY INFORMATIONstrive for advanced technology and try to be the best in the industry

Notice of the State Council on Printing and Distributing

2019-08-12Author : admin

Made in China 2025

The manufacturing industry is the main body of the national economy, the foundation of building a country, the tool of rejuvenating a country, and the foundation of a strong country. Since the inauguration of industrial civilization in the middle of the eighteenth century, the history of the rise and fall of world powers and the history of struggle of the Chinese nation has repeatedly proved that without a strong manufacturing industry, there can be no country and nation prosperous. Building an internationally competitive manufacturing industry is the only way for my country to enhance its comprehensive national strength, ensure national security, and build a world power.

Since the founding of New China, especially since the reform and opening up, my country’s manufacturing industry has continued to develop rapidly, and a complete, independent and complete industrial system has been established, which has vigorously promoted the process of industrialization and modernization, significantly enhanced the overall national strength, and supported China’s status as a major country in the world. However, compared with the world's ** level, my country's manufacturing industry is still large but not strong. There are obvious gaps in independent innovation capability, resource utilization efficiency, industrial structure level, informatization level, quality and efficiency, etc. The task of transformation and upgrading and leapfrog development Urgent and arduous.

At present, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation have formed a historic intersection with my country's accelerating transformation of the economic development mode, and the international industrial division of labor is being reshaped. We must firmly seize this major historical opportunity, implement the strategy of making a powerful country in accordance with the requirements of the "four **" strategic layout, strengthen overall planning and forward-looking deployment, and strive to achieve the 100th anniversary of the founding of New China through three decades of efforts. At that time, my country will be built into a manufacturing power leading the development of the world's manufacturing industry, laying a solid foundation for the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

"Made in China 2025" is my country's action plan for the first ten years of implementing the strategy of a manufacturing powerhouse.

1. Development situation and environment

(1) The global manufacturing landscape is facing major adjustments.

The deep integration of a new generation of information technology and manufacturing is triggering far-reaching industrial changes, forming new production methods, industrial forms, business models and economic growth points. Countries are intensifying scientific and technological innovation to promote new breakthroughs in three-dimensional (3D) printing, mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data, bioengineering, new energy, new materials and other fields. Intelligent manufacturing based on cyber-physical systems such as smart equipment and smart factories is leading the transformation of manufacturing methods; network crowdsourcing, collaborative design, large-scale personalized customization, precision supply chain management, full life cycle management, e-commerce, etc. are reshaping the value of the industry Chain system; smart terminal products such as wearable smart products, smart home appliances, and smart cars continue to expand into new areas of manufacturing. The transformation, upgrading, and innovative development of my country's manufacturing industry are ushering in major opportunities.

The global industrial competition landscape is undergoing major adjustments, and my country is facing huge challenges in the new round of development. After the international financial crisis, developed countries have implemented the "re-industrialization" strategy to reshape the new competitive advantage of the manufacturing industry and accelerate the promotion of a new round of global trade and investment. Some developing countries are also accelerating planning and layout, actively participating in the global industrial division of labor, undertaking industrial and capital transfers, and expanding the international market space. my country’s manufacturing industry faces the severe challenge of "two-way squeeze" from developed countries and other developing countries. It must look globally, step up its strategic deployment, focus on building a strong manufacturing country, consolidate its capital, turn challenges into opportunities, and seize a new round of competition in the manufacturing industry. Commanding heights.

(2) Our country's economic development environment has undergone major changes.

With the simultaneous advancement of new industrialization, informatization, urbanization, and agricultural modernization, the potential for ultra-large-scale domestic demand continues to be released, providing a broad space for the development of my country's manufacturing industry. The new equipment needs of various industries, the new consumer needs of the people, the new livelihood needs of social management and public services, and the new security needs of national defense construction all require the manufacturing industry to innovate in major technological equipment, consumer quality and safety, and public service facilities and equipment. The level and capabilities of supply and defense equipment support have been rapidly improved. **Deepening reforms and further opening up will continue to stimulate the vitality and creativity of the manufacturing industry, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry.

my country's economic development has entered a new normal, and the manufacturing industry is facing new challenges. Constraints on resources and the environment continue to strengthen, the cost of production factors such as labor continues to rise, and the growth of investment and exports has significantly slowed down. The extensive development model that mainly relies on the input of resource elements and scale expansion is unsustainable. Adjust structure, transform and upgrade, and improve quality and efficiency. Without delay. To form a new driving force for economic growth and to shape new advantages in international competition, the focus is on the manufacturing industry, the difficulty lies in the manufacturing industry, and the way out is also in the manufacturing industry.

(3) The task of building a manufacturing power is arduous and urgent.

After decades of rapid development, the scale of my country's manufacturing industry has leapt to the top of the world, and a complete, independent and complete manufacturing system has been established, which has become an important cornerstone supporting my country's economic and social development and an important force in promoting world economic development. Continuous technological innovation has greatly improved the comprehensive competitiveness of my country's manufacturing industry. A number of major technological equipment such as manned spaceflight, manned deep diving, large aircraft, Beidou satellite navigation, supercomputers, high-speed rail equipment, million-kilowatt power generation equipment, and 10,000-meter deep-sea oil drilling equipment have achieved breakthroughs, forming a number of international competitions. With strong competitive industries and key enterprises, my country has the foundation and conditions to build an industrial power.

However, our country is still in the process of industrialization, and there is still a big gap compared with the ** countries. The manufacturing industry is large but not strong, independent innovation capabilities are weak, key core technologies and high-end equipment are highly dependent on foreign countries, and the enterprise-based manufacturing innovation system is imperfect; product grades are not high, lacking world-renowned brands; resource and energy utilization efficiency is low , The problem of environmental pollution is more prominent; the industrial structure is irrational, the development of high-end equipment manufacturing and the producer service industry is lagging; the level of informatization is not high, and the integration with industrialization is not deep enough; the degree of industrial internationalization is not high, and the ability of enterprises to operate globally is insufficient. To promote the building of a manufacturing power, we must focus on solving the above problems.

To build a manufacturing power, we must seize the current rare strategic opportunities, actively respond to challenges, strengthen overall planning, highlight innovation-driven, formulate special policies, give full play to institutional advantages, mobilize all social forces to work hard, and rely more on Chinese equipment and support Chinese brands realize the transformation of Chinese manufacturing to Chinese creation, the transformation of Chinese speed to Chinese quality, and the transformation of Chinese products to Chinese brands. The strategic task of making Chinese manufacturing from large to strong is fulfilled.

2. Strategic guidelines and goals

(1) Guiding ideology.

**Implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Plenary Sessions of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, adhere to the path of new industrialization with Chinese characteristics, take the promotion of manufacturing innovation and development as the theme, and focus on improving quality and efficiency to accelerate The new generation of information technology and the deep integration of the manufacturing industry are the main line, and the main direction of the promotion of intelligent manufacturing is to meet the needs of economic and social development and national defense construction for major technical equipment. The goal is to strengthen basic industrial capabilities, improve the level of comprehensive integration, and improve multiple levels. A multi-type talent training system promotes industrial transformation and upgrading, cultivates a manufacturing culture with Chinese characteristics, and realizes the historical leap of the manufacturing industry from large to strong. The basic policy is:

——Innovation-driven. Insist on placing innovation at the core of the overall development of the manufacturing industry, improve the institutional environment conducive to innovation, promote cross-field and cross-industry collaborative innovation, make breakthroughs in a number of key common technologies in key areas, promote the digital, networked and intelligent manufacturing industry, and drive innovation Development path.

——Quality comes first. Adhere to quality as the lifeline of building a strong manufacturing country, strengthen the main responsibility of enterprise quality, strengthen quality technology research, and cultivate independent brands. Build a legal and standard system, a quality supervision system, and a quality culture, create a market environment for honest business, and take the development path of winning by quality.

--ECO development. Adhere to sustainable development as an important focus of building a strong manufacturing country, strengthen the promotion and application of energy-saving and environmentally friendly technologies, processes, and equipment, and promote cleaner production. Develop a circular economy, improve the efficiency of resource recycling, build a green manufacturing system, and take the development path of ecological civilization.

-Structural optimization. Adhere to structural adjustment as a key link in building a strong manufacturing country, vigorously develop the ** manufacturing industry, transform and upgrade traditional industries, and promote the transition from production-oriented manufacturing to service-oriented manufacturing. Optimize the spatial layout of industries, cultivate a group of industrial clusters and enterprise groups with core competitiveness, and take the development path of improving quality and efficiency.

——Talent-oriented. Insist on taking talents as the foundation of building a strong manufacturing country, establish and improve scientific and reasonable mechanisms for selecting, employing, and educating people, and accelerate the training of the most urgently needed technical personnel, management personnel, and skilled personnel for the development of the manufacturing industry. Create an atmosphere of mass entrepreneurship and innovation, build a team of manufacturing talents with good quality and reasonable structure, and take the development path led by talents.

(2) Basic principles.

The market is led by the government and guided by the government. ** Deepen reform, give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, strengthen the dominant position of the enterprise, and stimulate the vitality and creativity of the enterprise. Accumulately transform government functions, strengthen strategic research and planning guidance, improve relevant support policies, and create a good environment for enterprise development.

Based on the present, focus on the long-term. Aiming at the bottlenecks and weak links that restrict the development of the manufacturing industry, accelerate the transformation and upgrading and improve the quality and efficiency of the manufacturing industry, and effectively improve the core competitiveness and sustainable development capabilities of the manufacturing industry. Accurately grasp the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation trends, strengthen strategic planning and forward-looking deployment, lay a solid foundation, and occupy the commanding heights in future competition.

Overall advancement, key breakthroughs. Adhere to the combination of a national game of chess and classified guidance for the development of the manufacturing industry, make overall planning, rational layout, clarify the direction of innovative development, promote the in-depth development of military-civilian integration, and accelerate the promotion of the overall level of manufacturing. Focusing on the major needs of economic and social development and national security, we will integrate resources, highlight key points, and implement a number of major projects to achieve first breakthroughs.

Independent development and open cooperation. In the basic, strategic, and overall areas related to the national economy, people's livelihood and industrial security, we will focus on mastering key core technologies, improving the industrial chain, and forming independent development capabilities. Continue to expand opening up, make full use of global resources and markets, strengthen the global layout of industries and international exchanges and cooperation, form new comparative advantages, and improve the level of openness and development of the manufacturing industry.

(3) Strategic goals.

Based on the national conditions and reality, we strive to achieve the strategic goal of making a powerful country through the "three steps".

**Step: Strive to become a manufacturing powerhouse in ten years.

By 2020, industrialization will be basically achieved, the status of a major manufacturing country will be further consolidated, and the level of manufacturing informatization will be greatly improved. Master a number of key core technologies in key areas, further enhance the competitiveness of advantageous areas, and greatly improve product quality. Significant progress has been made in the digitization, networking, and intelligence of the manufacturing industry. The energy consumption, material consumption and pollutant emissions per unit of industrial added value in key industries have dropped significantly.

By 2025, the overall quality of the manufacturing industry will be greatly improved, the innovation capability will be significantly enhanced, the labor productivity of all employees will be significantly improved, and the integration of the two (industrialization and informatization) will reach a new level. The energy consumption, material consumption and pollutant emissions per unit of industrial added value in key industries have reached the world's highest level. A number of multinational companies and industrial clusters with strong international competitiveness have been formed, and their position in the global industrial division of labor and value chains has been significantly improved.

Step 2: By 2035, my country's manufacturing industry as a whole will reach the middle level of the world's manufacturing power camp. Innovation capabilities have been greatly improved, major breakthroughs have been made in the development of key areas, overall competitiveness has been significantly enhanced, and advantageous industries have formed global innovation leadership capabilities, and achieved industrialization.

Step 3: When New China was founded one hundred years ago, its status as a major manufacturing country has been consolidated, and its comprehensive strength has entered the forefront of the world's manufacturing powers. The main areas of the manufacturing industry have innovation and leadership capabilities and obvious competitive advantages, building a world-leading technological system and industrial system.

Main indicators of manufacturing in 2020 and 2025

1 The number of effective invention patents per 100 million yuan of main business income of manufacturing enterprises above designated size = the number of effective invention patents of manufacturing enterprises above designated size / the main business income of manufacturing enterprises above designated size.

2 The manufacturing quality competitiveness index is a comprehensive economic and technical indicator reflecting the overall quality of my country's manufacturing industry. It is calculated from a total of 12 specific indicators in terms of quality level and development capability.

3 Broadband penetration rate is represented by fixed broadband household penetration rate, fixed broadband household penetration rate = number of fixed broadband household users/number of households.

4 The penetration rate of digital R&D design tools = the number of enterprises above designated size using digital R&D design tools/total number of enterprises above designated size (relevant data comes from 30,000 sample enterprises, the same below).

5 The numerical control rate of key processes is the average value of the numerical control rate of key processes of industrial enterprises above designated size.

3. Strategic tasks and priorities

To achieve the strategic goal of a manufacturing powerhouse, we must adhere to problem orientation, make overall plans, and highlight key points; we must gather consensus from the whole society, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing, and improve development quality and core competitiveness.

(1) Improve the country's manufacturing innovation capabilities.

Improve the manufacturing innovation system that takes enterprises as the main body, market-oriented, and combines government, industry, university, research and application. Deploy the innovation chain around the industrial chain, allocate the resource chain around the innovation chain, strengthen key core technology research, accelerate the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, and improve innovation capabilities in key links and key areas.

Strengthen research and development of key core technologies. Strengthen the dominant position of enterprises in technological innovation, support enterprises to improve their innovation capabilities, promote the construction of national technological innovation demonstration enterprises and enterprise technology centers, and fully absorb enterprises to participate in the decision-making and implementation of national science and technology plans. Aiming at the country's major strategic needs and the commanding heights of future industrial development, we will regularly study, formulate and release a roadmap for technological innovation in key areas of the manufacturing industry. Continue to step up the implementation of major national science and technology projects, and support the research and development of key core technologies through national science and technology plans (special projects, funds, etc.). Give full play to the leading role of industry backbone enterprises and the basic role of universities and scientific research institutes, establish a number of industrial innovation alliances, carry out collaborative innovation of government, industry, university, research and use, and overcome a number of global impacts and driving forces on the overall improvement of industrial competitiveness Strong key common technologies to accelerate the transformation of results.

Improve innovative design capabilities. Carry out innovative design demonstrations in key areas such as traditional manufacturing, strategic emerging industries, and modern service industries, and ** promote the application of ** design technologies characterized by green, smart, and collaboration. Strengthen the research and development of common key technologies in the design field, overcome common technologies such as informatization design, process integrated design, complex process and system design, develop a batch of key design tool software with independent intellectual property rights, and build a complete innovation design ecosystem. Build a number of innovative design clusters with global influence, cultivate a batch of advanced and open industrial design companies, encourage OEM companies to establish research and design centers, and transform to designing and exporting self-owned brand products. Develop all kinds of innovative design education, establish national industrial design awards, and stimulate the creativity and initiative of the whole society in innovative design.

Promote the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements. Improve the operational mechanism for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, study and formulate guiding opinions for promoting the transformation and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, establish and improve the information release and sharing platform of scientific and technological achievements, and improve the technology transfer and industrialization service system with the technology trading market as the core. Improve the incentive mechanism for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, promote the reform of the use, disposal and income management of scientific and technological achievements in public institutions, and improve the scientific evaluation and market pricing mechanism of scientific and technological achievements. Improve the synergistic promotion mechanism for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, guide the government, industry, university, research and application to strengthen cooperation in accordance with the laws of market and innovation, and encourage enterprises and social capital to establish a batch of pilot bases for technology integration, maturation and engineering. Accelerate the transformation and industrialization of national defense scientific and technological achievements, and promote the two-way transfer and transformation of military and civilian technologies.

Improve the national manufacturing innovation system. Strengthen top-level design, accelerate the establishment of a manufacturing innovation network with innovation centers as the core carrier, public service platforms and engineering data centers as important supports, and establish a market-oriented innovation direction selection mechanism and a risk-sharing and benefit-sharing mechanism that encourages innovation. Make full use of the existing scientific and technological resources, focus on the major common needs of the manufacturing industry, adopt new mechanisms and new models such as government-society cooperation, government-industry-university-research industrial innovation strategic alliances, and form a number of manufacturing innovation centers (industrial technology research bases). Common major technology research and industrial application demonstration. Build a number of public service platforms that promote collaborative innovation in the manufacturing industry, standardize service standards, carry out technological research and development, inspection and testing, technology evaluation, technology transactions, quality certification, personnel training and other advanced services to promote the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements. Build engineering data centers in key areas of manufacturing to provide enterprises with open sharing services of innovative knowledge and engineering data. Facing the key common technologies of the manufacturing industry, build a number of major scientific research and experimental facilities, improve the system integration capabilities of core enterprises, and promote the extension to the high-end of the value chain.

Strengthen the construction of the standard system. Reform the standard system and standardization management system, organize the implementation of the manufacturing standardization improvement plan, and carry out comprehensive standardization work in key areas such as intelligent manufacturing. Give full play to the important role of enterprises in standard formulation, support the establishment of standard promotion alliances in key areas, build standard innovation research bases, and coordinate product development and standard formulation. Formulate group standards that meet the needs of the market and innovation, and establish a self-declaration and supervision system for enterprise product and service standards. Encourage and support enterprises, research institutes, industry organizations, etc. to participate in the formulation of international standards, and accelerate the internationalization of my country's standards. Vigorously promote the adoption of the most advanced civilian standards for national defense equipment, and promote the transformation and application of military technical standards to the civilian field. Do a good job in the publicity and implementation of standards, and vigorously promote the implementation of standards.

Strengthen the use of intellectual property rights. Strengthen the intellectual property reserves of key core technologies in key areas of the manufacturing industry, and build an industrialization-oriented patent portfolio and strategic layout. Encourage and support enterprises to use intellectual property rights to participate in market competition, cultivate a group of superior enterprises with comprehensive intellectual property strength, support the formation of intellectual property alliances, and promote market entities to carry out the collaborative use of intellectual property rights. Steadily promote the decryption and market application of national defense intellectual property rights. Establish and improve the intellectual property review mechanism, encourage and support the industry's key enterprises and the ** institutions to cooperate in key areas to carry out patent evaluation, acquisition, operation, risk warning and response. Construct a public service platform for the comprehensive utilization of intellectual property rights. Encourage the development of transnational intellectual property licensing. Research and formulate policies and measures to reduce the cost of SMEs' intellectual property application, protection and rights protection.

(2) Promote the deep integration of informatization and industrialization.

Accelerate the development of a new generation of information technology and manufacturing technology integration, and take intelligent manufacturing as the main direction of the in-depth integration of the two; focus on the development of intelligent equipment and intelligent products, promote the intelligent production process, cultivate new production methods, and ** improve enterprise R&D and production , Management and service intelligence level.

Research and formulate smart manufacturing development strategies. Formulate smart manufacturing development plans, clarify development goals, key tasks and major layouts. Accelerate the formulation of technical standards for smart manufacturing, and establish and improve a management standard system for smart manufacturing and the integration of industrialization and industrialization. Strengthen application traction, establish intelligent manufacturing industry alliances, and coordinate to promote intelligent equipment and product research and development, system integration innovation and industrialization. Promote the integrated application of industrial Internet, cloud computing, and big data in the entire process and industrial chain of enterprise R&D, design, manufacturing, operation management, sales and service. Strengthen the construction of the network security guarantee capacity of the intelligent manufacturing industrial control system, and improve the comprehensive guarantee system.

Speed up the development of intelligent manufacturing equipment and products. Organize the research and development of intelligent manufacturing equipment and intelligent production lines such as CNC machine tools, industrial robots, and additive manufacturing equipment with in-depth perception, intelligent decision-making, and automatic execution functions, and make breakthroughs in new sensors, intelligent measuring instruments, industrial control systems, servo motors and drives And reducer and other intelligent core devices to promote engineering and industrialization. Accelerate the intelligent transformation of production equipment in machinery, aviation, shipbuilding, automobiles, light industry, textiles, food, electronics and other industries, and improve precision manufacturing and agile manufacturing capabilities. Coordinate the layout and promote the development and industrialization of products such as smart transportation, smart construction machinery, service robots, smart home appliances, smart lighting appliances, and wearable devices.

Promote the intelligentization of the manufacturing process. Pilot the construction of smart factories/digital workshops in key areas, accelerate the application of technologies and equipment such as human-machine intelligent interaction, industrial robots, smart logistics management, and additive manufacturing in the production process, and promote the simulation and optimization of manufacturing processes, digital control, and status information Real-time monitoring and adaptive control. Accelerate the promotion and application of product lifecycle management, customer relationship management, and supply chain management systems, and promote the integration of key links such as group management and control, design and manufacturing, integration of production, supply and marketing, business and financial linkage, and realize intelligent management and control. Accelerate the construction of intelligent inspection and supervision systems in key industries such as civilian explosives, hazardous chemicals, food, printing and dyeing, rare earths, and pesticides, and improve the level of intelligence.

Deepen the application of the Internet in the manufacturing field. Formulate a roadmap for the integration and development of the Internet and manufacturing industry, and clarify the development direction, goals and paths. Develop new manufacturing modes such as Internet-based personalized customization, crowdsourcing design, and cloud manufacturing, and promote the formation of R&D, manufacturing, and industrial organization methods based on the dynamic perception of consumer demand. Establish an open industrial ecosystem with complementary advantages and win-win cooperation. Accelerate the development and application demonstration of Internet of Things technology, and cultivate new industrial Internet applications such as intelligent monitoring, remote diagnosis management, and traceability of the entire industry chain. Implement pilot projects for innovative applications of industrial cloud and industrial big data, build a batch of high-quality industrial cloud services and industrial big data platforms, and promote the open sharing of software and services, design and manufacturing resources, key technologies and standards.

Strengthen the construction of Internet infrastructure. Strengthen the planning and layout of industrial Internet infrastructure construction, and build an industrial Internet with low latency, high reliability and wide coverage. Accelerate the deployment and construction of optical fiber networks, mobile communication networks, and wireless local area networks in manufacturing clusters, realize broadband upgrades of information networks, and improve enterprise broadband access capabilities. In response to cyber-physical system network research and development and application requirements, organize the development of intelligent control systems, industrial application software, fault diagnosis software and related tools, sensing and communication system protocols, to achieve real-time connection, identification, and effective interaction between people, equipment and products And intelligent control.


(3) Strengthen basic industrial capacity.

Weak industrial foundation capabilities such as core basic components (components), ** basic technology, key basic materials, and industrial technology foundation (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "four bases") are the crux of restricting my country's manufacturing innovation development and quality improvement. It is necessary to adhere to the principles of problem orientation, integration of production and demand, collaborative innovation, and key breakthroughs, and strive to break the bottleneck restricting the development of key industries.

Promote the development of the "four bases" as a whole. Formulate an industrial strong base implementation plan, clarify key directions, main goals and implementation paths. Formulate the industrial "four bases" development guidance catalog, publish the industrial strong base development report, and organize the implementation of the industrial strong base project. Coordinate military and civilian resources, carry out joint research on dual-use technologies, support the effective use of military and civilian technologies, and promote the integrated development of basic fields. Strengthen the construction of basic field standards and measurement systems, accelerate the implementation of standards and compliance, and improve the quality, reliability and life of basic products. Establish a multi-departmental coordination and promotion mechanism to guide various elements to gather in basic areas.

Strengthen the construction of the "four bases" innovation capability. Strengthen forward-looking basic research and focus on solving key common technologies that affect the performance and stability of core basic components (components). Establish a basic process innovation system, use existing resources to establish key common basic process research institutions, and carry out joint research on key manufacturing processes such as molding and processing; support enterprises to carry out process innovation and cultivate technical personnel. Increase the research and development of basic special materials, improve the self-sufficiency of special materials and the level of preparation technology. Establish a national industrial basic database, and strengthen the collection, management, application and accumulation of enterprise test and measurement data and measurement data. Increase support for technology research and development in the "four bases" field, and guide industrial investment funds and venture capital funds to invest in key projects in the "four bases" field.

Promote the coordinated development of complete machine enterprises and "four base" enterprises. Pay attention to demand-side incentives, combine production and use, and coordinate research. Relying on national science and technology plans (special projects, funds, etc.) and related projects, in key areas such as CNC machine tools, rail transit equipment, aerospace, and power generation equipment, guide the production and demand of complete machine enterprises and "four base" enterprises, universities, scientific research institutes, etc. Docking, establishing industrial alliances, forming a new model of collaborative innovation, combining production and use, and promoting the development of basic industries with the market, and improving the independent controllability of major equipment. Carry out demonstration applications of industrial strong bases, improve the *sets (sets) and *batch policies, and support the promotion and application of core basic components (components), basic technology, and key basic materials.


(4) Strengthen quality brand building.

Improve quality control technology, improve quality management mechanisms, lay a solid foundation for quality development, optimize the environment for quality development, and strive to achieve substantial improvements in manufacturing quality. Encourage enterprises to pursue the best quality, form brand-name products with independent intellectual property rights, and continuously improve the corporate brand value and the overall image of Made in China.

Promote **quality management techniques and methods. Build a platform for identifying compliance with key product standards, and promote key product technology and safety standards to reach international standards. Carry out quality benchmarking and ** enterprise demonstration activities, popularize ** performance, six sigma, lean production, quality diagnosis, continuous quality improvement and other ** production management models and methods. Support enterprises to improve quality online monitoring, online control, and product life cycle quality traceability capabilities. Organize and carry out process optimization actions in key industries to improve the control level of key processes. Carry out demonstration and promotion of mass quality management activities such as quality management team and on-site improvement. Strengthen the quality management of small and medium-sized enterprises, and carry out quality and safety training, diagnosis and counseling activities.

Speed up the improvement of product quality. Implement the action plan for improving the quality of industrial products, and organize and conquer a number of long-term key industries such as automobiles, CNC machine tools, rail transit equipment, large-scale complete technical equipment, construction machinery, special equipment, key raw materials, basic parts and components, and electronic components. The key common quality technology that troubles the improvement of product quality, strengthen the development and application of reliability design, test and verification technology, promote the use of ** molding and processing methods, online testing devices, intelligent production and logistics systems and testing equipment, etc., to make key physical products Its performance stability, quality reliability, environmental adaptability, service life and other indicators have reached the international level of similar products**. Implement quality management, quality self-declaration and quality traceability systems covering the entire life cycle of products in the fields of food, medicine, baby products, and home appliances to ensure the quality and safety of key consumers. Vigorously improve the quality and reliability of national defense equipment, and enhance the actual combat capability of national defense equipment.

Improve the quality supervision system. Improve the product quality standard system, policy planning system and quality management laws and regulations. Strengthen industry access and market exit management in key areas related to people's livelihood and safety. Establish a mandatory reporting system for product accidents in consumer goods production and operation enterprises, improve the quality and credit information collection and release system, and strengthen the main responsibility of enterprise quality. Regarding quality violation records as an important part of the corporate integrity rating, establish a quality blacklist system, and increase the crackdown and punishment of quality violations and counterfeit brand behaviors. Establish regional and industry quality and safety early warning systems to prevent and resolve product quality and safety risks. Strictly implement product "three guarantees" and product recall systems. Strengthen supervision and inspection and accountability, and effectively protect the rights and interests of consumers.

Consolidate the foundation for quality development. Formulate and implement manufacturing quality, safety, sanitation, environmental protection and energy-saving standards that are in line with international standards. Strengthen the research on the basis of measurement technology and cutting-edge technology, establish a batch of high-accuracy and high-stability measurement standards urgently needed by the development of the manufacturing industry, and improve the national volume transmission and traceability capabilities related to the manufacturing industry. Strengthen the construction of the national industrial metrology and test center, and build a national metrology technology innovation system. Improve the inspection and testing technology guarantee system, build a number of high-level industrial product quality control and technology evaluation laboratories, product quality supervision and inspection centers, and encourage the establishment of a ** testing technology alliance. Improve the certification and accreditation management model, improve the effectiveness of compulsory product certification, promote the healthy development of voluntary product certification, improve the level of management system certification, and steadily advance international mutual recognition. Support industry organizations to issue self-discipline norms or conventions, and carry out quality and credibility commitment activities.

Promote the building of manufacturing brands. Guide enterprises to formulate a brand management system, focus on the entire process of R&D and innovation, manufacturing, quality management and marketing services, improve internal quality, and consolidate the foundation for brand development. Support a group of brand cultivation and operation ** service agencies to carry out brand management consulting, market promotion and other services. Improve the registration and management system of collective trademarks and certification trademarks. Create a number of regional brands in industrial clusters with distinctive characteristics, strong competitiveness and good market reputation. Build brand culture, guide companies to enhance brand awareness with quality and reputation as the core, establish brand consumption concepts, and enhance brand added value and soft power. Accelerate the internationalization of my country's brand value evaluation, give full play to the role of various media, increase the promotion of Chinese brands, and establish a good image of Chinese-made brands.

(5) **Promote green manufacturing.

Increase the research and development of energy-saving and environmental protection technologies, processes and equipment, accelerate the green transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry; actively promote low-carbon, recycling and intensification, improve the efficiency of manufacturing resources; strengthen the green management of the product life cycle, and work hard Build a clean, low-carbon, and circular green manufacturing system.

Speed up the green transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry. **Promote the green transformation of traditional manufacturing industries such as steel, non-ferrous metals, chemicals, building materials, light industry, printing and dyeing, vigorously research and promote waste heat and pressure recovery, water recycling, heavy metal pollution reduction, toxic and harmful raw materials replacement, waste residue recycling, desulfurization and denitration Dust removal and other green process technology equipment, accelerate the application of clean** casting, forging, welding, surface treatment, cutting and other processing technologies to achieve green production. Strengthen the R&D and application of green products, promote lightweight, low power consumption, and easy recycling technologies, continue to improve the energy efficiency of end-use energy products such as motors, boilers, internal combustion engines, and electrical appliances, and accelerate the elimination of backward electromechanical products and technologies. Accumulate* leads the green development of emerging industries from a high starting point, greatly reduces the energy consumption and restricted substance content in the production and use of electronic information products, builds green data centers and green base stations, and vigorously promotes green and low-carbon new materials, new energy, high-end equipment, and the biological industry develop.

Promote the recycling of resources. Support enterprises to strengthen technological innovation and management, enhance green lean manufacturing capabilities, and greatly reduce energy, material and water consumption levels. Continue to increase the ratio of green and low-carbon energy use, carry out the construction of distributed green smart micro-grids in industrial parks and enterprises, and control and reduce fossil energy consumption. ** Promote circular production methods, promote link symbiosis, mutual supply of raw materials, and resource sharing among enterprises, parks, and industries. Promote the standardized and large-scale development of the resource recycling industry, strengthen technical equipment support, and improve the comprehensive utilization of bulk industrial solid waste, scrap metal, and waste electrical and electronic products. Vigorously develop the remanufacturing industry, implement high-end remanufacturing, intelligent remanufacturing, and in-service remanufacturing, promote product certification, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of the remanufacturing industry.

To build a green manufacturing system. Support enterprises to develop green products, promote ecological design, significantly improve product energy saving, environmental protection and low carbon level, and guide green production and consumption. Build green factories to achieve intensive workshops, harmless raw materials, clean production, waste resources, and low-carbon energy. Develop green parks and promote industrial coupling in industrial parks to achieve near-zero emissions. Create a green supply chain, accelerate the establishment of a resource-saving and environment-friendly procurement, production, marketing, recycling and logistics system, and implement an extended producer responsibility system. Strengthen green enterprises and support enterprises to implement green strategies, green standards, green management and green production. Strengthen green supervision, improve energy conservation and environmental protection regulations and standard systems, strengthen energy conservation and environmental protection supervision, implement a corporate social responsibility reporting system, and carry out green evaluations.


(9) Improve the international development level of the manufacturing industry.

Coordinate the use of two resources and two markets, implement a more active opening strategy, better integrate the introduction and going out, expand new open fields and spaces, improve the level and level of international cooperation, and promote the international layout of key industries , To guide enterprises to improve their international competitiveness.

Improve the level of foreign capital utilization and international cooperation. Further liberalize the general manufacturing industry, optimize the open structure, and raise the level of openness. Guide foreign investment in high-end manufacturing fields such as new generation information technology, high-end equipment, new materials, and biomedicine, and encourage overseas companies and scientific research institutions to establish global R&D institutions in my country. Support qualified enterprises to issue stocks and bonds overseas, and encourage various forms of technical cooperation with overseas enterprises.

Improve transnational operating capabilities and international competitiveness. Support the development of a number of multinational companies, and accelerate the improvement of core competitiveness through global resource utilization, business process reengineering, industrial chain integration, capital market operation and other methods. Support enterprises to carry out mergers and acquisitions, equity investment, and venture capital overseas, establish R&D centers, experimental bases, and global marketing and service systems; rely on the Internet to carry out network collaborative design, precision marketing, value-added service innovation, media brand promotion, etc., to establish a global industrial chain system , To improve the international operation capability and service level. Encourage superior enterprises to accelerate the development of international general contracting and general integration. Guide enterprises to integrate into the local culture, enhance the awareness of social responsibility, strengthen investment and business risk management, and improve the ability of enterprises to localize overseas.

Deepen international industrial cooperation and speed up enterprises to go global. Strengthen the top-level design, formulate an overall strategy for the global development of the manufacturing industry, and establish a sound overall coordination mechanism. Actively participate in and promote international industrial cooperation, implement major strategic deployments such as the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, accelerate the construction of interconnection infrastructure with neighboring countries, and deepen industrial cooperation. Give full play to the advantages of border opening, and build a batch of overseas manufacturing cooperation parks in countries and regions where conditions permit. Adhere to government promotion, enterprise leadership, innovative business models, and encourage the transfer of high-end equipment, advanced technology, and superior production capacity overseas. Strengthen policy guidance, and promote industrial cooperation to extend from processing and manufacturing to high-end links such as cooperative research and development, joint design, marketing, and brand cultivation, so as to improve the level of international cooperation. Innovate the processing trade model, extend the domestic value-added chain of processing trade, and promote the transformation and upgrading of processing trade.

4. Strategic support and guarantee

To build a strong manufacturing country, we must give full play to the advantages of the system, mobilize all forces, further deepen reforms, improve policies and measures, establish a flexible and efficient implementation mechanism, and create a good environment; we must cultivate a culture of innovation and a manufacturing culture with Chinese characteristics, and promote a major change in the manufacturing industry. powerful.

(1) Deepen the reform of system and mechanism.

**Promote administration according to law, accelerate the transformation of government functions, innovate government management methods, strengthen the formulation and implementation of manufacturing development strategies, plans, policies, and standards, strengthen industry self-discipline and public service capacity building, and improve industrial governance. Streamline administration and delegate powers, deepen the reform of the administrative examination and approval system, standardize examination and approval matters, simplify procedures, and clarify time limits; timely revise the list of investment projects approved by the government to implement the status of enterprise investment entities. Improve the government-industry-university-research-use collaborative innovation mechanism, reform the technological innovation management system and the project funding allocation, achievement evaluation and transformation mechanism, promote the capitalization and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, and stimulate the innovation vitality of the manufacturing industry. Accelerate the market-oriented reform of the prices of production factors, improve the mechanism where prices are determined mainly by the market, and rationally allocate public resources; promote the reform of the energy saving, carbon emission, pollution, and water rights trading systems, accelerate the ad valorem calculation of resource taxes, and promote environmental protection Fees to taxes. Deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises, improve the corporate governance structure, orderly develop a mixed-ownership economy, further break all forms of industry monopoly, and remove unreasonable restrictions on the non-public economy. We will steadily advance the reform of national defense science, technology and industry, and promote the in-depth development of military-civilian integration. Improve the industrial safety review mechanism and legal system, and strengthen the safety review of investment and financing, mergers and acquisitions and reorganization, bidding and procurement in important areas of the manufacturing industry that are related to the lifeline of the national economy and national security.

(2) Create a fair competitive market environment.

Deepen the reform of the market access system, implement negative list management, strengthen supervision during and after the event, and eliminate and abolish policies and measures that are not conducive to the construction of a unified national market. Implement a scientific and standardized industry access system, formulate and improve access standards for energy-saving, land-saving, environmental protection, technology, and safety in the manufacturing industry, strengthen supervision and inspection of the implementation of national mandatory standards, unified law enforcement, and guide enterprises through market-oriented means Carry out structural adjustment, transformation and upgrading. Effectively strengthen supervision, crack down on the manufacture and sale of counterfeit and inferior products, severely punish market monopoly and unfair competition, and create a good production and operation environment for enterprises. Accelerate the development of the technology market, and improve the mechanisms for the creation, use, management, and protection of intellectual property rights. Improve policies and measures related to the elimination of backward production capacity, such as employee placement, debt settlement, and enterprise conversion, and improve the market exit mechanism. To further reduce the burden on enterprises, implement a list system of enterprise-related fees, establish a national enterprise-related fee project database, ban all kinds of unreasonable fees and apportionments, and strengthen supervision, inspection and accountability. Promote the construction of a credit system for manufacturing enterprises, build a Chinese manufacturing credit database, and establish and improve dynamic corporate credit evaluation, trustworthy incentives, and dishonesty punishment mechanisms. Strengthen the construction of corporate social responsibility, and implement a self-declaration and supervision system for corporate product standards, quality and safety.

(3) Improve financial support policies.

Deepen reforms in the financial sector, broaden manufacturing financing channels, and reduce financing costs. Accumulately leverage the advantages of policy finance, development finance and commercial finance, and increase support for new generation information technology, high-end equipment, new materials and other key areas. Support the Export-Import Bank of China to increase its services for the manufacturing industry to go global within its business scope, encourage the China Development Bank to increase loans to manufacturing enterprises, and guide financial institutions to innovate products and businesses that meet the characteristics of manufacturing enterprises. Improve the multi-level capital market, promote the standardized development of regional equity markets, and support qualified manufacturing companies to list domestically and overseas for financing and issue various debt financing instruments. Guide venture capital, private equity investment, etc. to support the innovation and development of manufacturing enterprises. Encourage qualified manufacturing loans and leased assets to carry out pilot securitization. Support large-scale manufacturing enterprise groups in key areas to carry out pilot projects for the integration of industry and finance, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry through financial leasing. Explore the development of insurance products and services suitable for the development of the manufacturing industry, and encourage the development of loan guarantee insurance and credit insurance businesses. Under the premise of controllable risks and sustainable business, through domestic guarantees, foreign loans, foreign exchange and RMB loans, debt financing, equity financing, etc., to increase overseas resource exploration and development for manufacturing companies, and to establish R&D centers and high-tech Support for enterprises and mergers and acquisitions.

(4) Increase fiscal and taxation policy support.

Make full use of existing channels, strengthen financial support to the manufacturing industry, and focus on key areas of manufacturing transformation and upgrading such as intelligent manufacturing, "four bases" development, and high-end equipment, so as to create a good policy environment for the development of the manufacturing industry. Use the government and social capital cooperation (PPP) model to guide social capital to participate in the construction of major manufacturing projects, enterprise technological transformation and key infrastructure construction. Innovate financial support methods, gradually shift from "replenishment of construction" to

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